CACG Drones

FLYING your drone should not only be fun,

but make you money!

With a customized flight routine,

you're sure to get flying and stay motivated like never before.

Click Here for your Free 30 Second Video!

A Class for Every Pilot

No matter your skill level or ability, CACG Drones has a class for you.

First Drone Ever?

I got it out of the box and I can turn it on... Now What?

See Classes

Teach Me Some New Tricks!

Now that you've mastered the take off and landing, lets get flying in different modes and speeds.

See Classes

Advanced Tutorials

Build your aerial photography skills with PRO settings and post production tricks. 

See Classes

Let's get IT!


Hi, I'm Jeff, and I've been using my love of drones to stay airborne for the last 10 years. Join me for a virtual class and start flying your way to success.


More About Me

Don't have a Drone yet?  

Browse popular models.  

Browse Models

What can you expect from a CACG Drone class?

CACG Drones is all about getting you outside, having fun, and staying safe. The more fun you have, the more motivated you will be. No matter which class you take, you can count on three things:


You'll learn the basics of takeoff and landing, and simple drills that can elevate your skills.

Diverse Classes

We’ll mix it up: different drones, different flight plans, a different pace each class.


Every class can be personalized to fit your overall needs and restrictions. 



Our most popular plan

  • Basic Drills
  • Flying Around Objects
  • Visual Observers
  • Obtaining Waivers
  • Unlimited access to every class!
Start My Free Trial

Membership means unlimited access


See more than one class you’d like to try? Sign up for a membership, and enjoy unlimited classes. Any class, any time, you’ll get access to them all!  

Janet Johnson

"I feel so much confident after taking Jeff's class."

Aimee Right

"Jeff's classes are so much fun, I can't wait for the next one!"

Jamie Sonet

"Jeff's classes helped me build confidence."

John Block

"I've always dreaded getting a drone for my business, but now I look forward to it thanks to Jeff's classes."

Bridget Blue

"I was worried I wouldn't get the personal attention I needed, but took the time and walked me through the entire process!"

Angie Birman

"I never thought flying drones could be so fun! Jeff is great at what he does."

Have fun and get flying, even if drones aren't your thing 


You don't have to be a drone enthusiast to come fly with us. CACG Drones is all about getting outside and getting moving, not having perfect technique. Join me to let loose, learn some new moves, and fly! 

See Virtual Classes

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